Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Muse

I am convinced that the church in America is fatally flawed. Not in service or in tradition. Not in the building or in the home. But in the attitudes of the people. I am going to change that. You will see. Oh church of America. You who looks like everyone else. What happened to the awe that you bring?


Anonymous said...

You must remember we are fatally flawed people. (That is why we need a savior.) Anything we build here on earth will be fatally flawed. Oh the idealism of youth.

Anonymous said...

When I said "oh the idealism of youth", I was missing those days and not trying to be derogatory. I had a teacher in high school who told us that it would get less. Keep up the good fight.

tryDyingToLive said...

Thanks for the encouragment