Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Days Go By

So, aside from Heather not being here, my semester is going well. I've taken to sleeping when I'm tired, and being awake when I'm not. I'm acutally going to bed very early and getting up in the middle of the night to get my work done. The only problem with that is the Library isn't open. Thats ok, bc I usually only go to the Library to talk anyway. Its 3:18 am and I'm wide awake. I've just organized quite a bit of my papers. Its alot easier to do work when no one is around. As long as I am quiet my roommates don't wake up. I'll eventually go to bed again. I've been sleeping about 4 hours at a time. Once in the evening. Once early morning.

I went to Cowboy church today. Basically this older gentilman in a cowboy hat has a sermon on his front porch. The topic was you are dead today. Can you consider that? What did you wish you could have done? What do you wish you could have done differently? Well good news you still have time go do them. It was a good lesson in how to speak to the people. There was a boy there that made me sad, and one that made me smile.

Heather and I got to talk on the phone Monday night. We set a record of 4 hours 15 min. Then I started getting distracted. :( I helped me comprehend how much she likes talking to me. I miss talking to her in person. She told me its not the same on the phone. Merh. BTW Heather, sorry I missed your last call. My phone was on vibrate and I was asleep. I miss you. See you soon.

--Mark Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

It's ok I talked to Sarah instead. I just needed someone to calm me down because I thought that someone was trying to break in last night. I don't know if anyone was. It may have been the wind, but I went out to check and no one was there. So either I scared them off, it may have been someone realizing that they were at the wrong apartment, or it was nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

I have to have a sleep apnea test because I may have sleep apnea. So now some night people get to stare at me while I sleep in a hospital room. The thought of that creeps me out.